and harvesting Red Winter Wheat:
We grow
approximately eight acres of Hard Red Winter Wheat. The wheat
seed is planted in mid-September, sprouts, and grows three
or four inches before winter snows cover it up. In the spring
it grows rapidly forming the grain heads in June. By late
July the sea of green has turned a golden yellow and the harvest
draws near.

We use
an Allis Chalmers Model 60 combine for harvesting the wheat.
Our wheat is truly all natural. We plant a cover crop of red
clover with the wheat. This naturally reduces the amount of
weeds that can enter the field, and is also plowed into the
soil where it becomes a green manure fertilizer. We use absolutely
no insecticides on our fields.

We sell
plenty of wheat berries at the farmers market. They can be
purchased whole and used as a breakfast cereal. If sprouted
the are used in salads, or pressed and made into wheat juice.

At the
East Jordan Farmer's Market we will be offering our customers
a chance to hand grind our wheat into whole wheat baking flour
this year. When ground into flour it will still contain 100%
of the wheat germ, bran and gluten. Most commercial "whole
wheat flour is a white flour to which a portion of the bran
which was removed is re-added. The wheat germ is totally removed.
Factory bread makers use this "whole wheat" which
is usually 40% white flour. Commercial flour is also chlorine
rinsed, potassium bromide aged and either benzoic peroxide,
chorine dioxide or ammonium chloride bleached.